What follows is the brief email interaction I had with Don Chancey, his responses, and what he did to harrass me when I proved him wrong. ----- Original Message ----- From Rev. Guido DeLuxe To dchancey@dallas.net Sent Friday, July 23, 1999 218 PM Subject janet reno i just spoke with a representative of CBS News concerning the rumour about janet reno you have posted on the world wide web at http//www.dallas.net/~dchancey/janet_reno.html they informed me that janet reno has never made the statement which you attribute to her. furthermore, her interview with 60 Minutes took place on May 14, 1995. The segment was called "What Really Happened" in case you wish to purchase a transcript of the show to see for yourself. you can order a transcript by calling 1-800-777-TEXT i would like to understand your motives for posting such an inflamatory lie on your web site about janet reno, but i don't have the time or patience to listen to your excuses. my primary purpose in writing you was to inform you that your credibility won't hold up long if this kind of behaviour is how you hope to influence peoples' beliefs. Regards Rev. Guido S. DeLuxe -- Lions 5, Christians 0. =========================================== Guido- Thank you for the info...but get a life! If you would bother to take the time to check, that link has not been on our web page for approx. 3 months. Besides if you want to call anyone a liar, call my pastor a liar. That is where we got the info from. You ...sir don't really deserve a reply, but you gat one anyway. Don Chancey dchancey@dallas.net =========================================== From "Chancey Don" dchancey@dallas.net To Rev. Guido DeLuxe Subject Date Fri, 23 Jul 1999 234436 -0500 My sincerest apologies. The link had been removed from our Webster when I mentioned because of narrow-minded disbelieving people like you. we were not aware that the original (VERY TRUE AND INFORMATIVE) was still residing on the server. It has been removed. I doubt very seriously that CBS, knowing who they are owned by...will tell YOU the truth about the matter anyway. As to your snide, curt, ignorant and most ignorant comment about Lions 5 and Christians 0...If you will only read the back of the BIBLE, Jesus did win!!! whether you chose to believe it or not. The King of Kings will much more than even that score. I pray you are one of them! We believers are far from perfect and make many mistakes, but at least we know who is in charge...do you? Please don't reply, I don't want to hear from you again! Don Chancey dchancey@dallas.net =========================================== Who calls their web site "Webster" anyway? this strikes me as being beneath normal AOL mentality here. What followed convinced me of this fact even more. Don violated the law of Washington state, of which I am a resident, and subscribed my address to the "Daily Manna" gospel mailing list. I know it was him that subscribed me because I certainly wouldn't have subscribed myself, and Don was the only person I have ever heard of who would both have the inclination to do such a stupid thing, and who had my email address. =========================================== To Rev. Guido DeLuxe From Majordomo@gospelcom.net Subject Majordomo results -- >>>> subscribe daily-manna <email addressed removed to surpress harvesting> Succeeded. =========================================== So, of course, I sent a SpamCop complaint to the "Daily Manna" listserv administrator, and I sent a personal complaint to Don's ISP. I also violated don's specific request and wrote him back anyway. =========================================== i never bothered to look at your actual web site. i came across that libellous page about janet reno after having searched for "janet reno" and "60 minutes" using one of the standard search engines. that, by itself, should be enough to indicate to you that simply removing the hyperlink from a document on a web page does not prevent the page it linked from being indexed and potentially accessible to people like me. if you were really so intent on keeping people as informed as possible, you would have removed the entire page at the same time you removed the link. i suppose you think it's funny to have subscribed me to "the daily manna"... as if you expect it to have some kind of effect on me. it might, if i were not in the business of internet messaging and have a very thorough understanding of how moderated listservs work. it is just as easy for me to go and subscribe you to some porno list... how would you like it if i were to do such a thing? if you wouldn't like it, consider the effects of your actions towards others before repeating them with someone less concientious than me. also, i would like to point out that your act of subscribing me to a mailing list without checking to find out whether it was okay with me or not, is an act which is defined as a felony by chapter 19.190 of the Revised Code of Washington, and i could very easily file a lawsuit against you which, while it probably wouldn't be enough to convince you not to do such things again, would certainly put a damper in your internet activities for a couple of years. keep your daily manna to yourself. =========================================== What followed was a brief interchange with the administrator of the "daily manna" list. =========================================== Date Tue, 27 Jul 1999 080430 -0400 (EDT) From Abuse <abuse@gospelcom.net> To Rev. Guido DeLuxe Subject Re [SpamCop204.253.132.2,id581393]Welcome to daily-manna This is a majordomo list message; specifically, this is the introduction message welcoming a new subscriber to a mailing list (in this case, 'daily-manna'). Most likely, the recipient forgot s/he signed up for a mailing list. (*ALL* of our lists are strictly opt-in.) Unfortunately, without the username that received this piece of e-mail, I cannot tell if they are subscribed and, if they are, when they signed up. If you would like for me to pursue this further, please send this vital information. Thanks! =========================================== i am aware of what your list is, that it comes from a majordomo and that it is strictly opt-in. i sent the complaint to spamcop because i *did not* opt in. i was involuntarily signed up by one of your cohorts who goes by the name of don chancey. the way it got started, i informed him that some information on his web site wasn't entirely accurate, providing him an example. his response was to sign me up with your list. as unsolicited electronic mail whose point of origin (don chancey) has been deliberately obscured, it is in violation of chapter 19.190 of the Revised Code of Washington. to avoid possible legal procedings please take whatever steps may be required to prevent such violations from happening in the future. thank you. =========================================== > i am aware of what your list is, that it comes from a majordomo and that it > is strictly opt-in. i sent the complaint to spamcop because i *did not* opt Ah, I see. I am truly sorry that this happened to you. > as unsolicited electronic mail whose point of origin (don chancey) has been > deliberately obscured, it is in violation of chapter 19.190 of the Revised > Code of Washington. to avoid possible legal procedings please take whatever > steps may be required to prevent such violations from happening in the future. Legal proceedings will be totally unnecessary. We are in the process of requiring confirmation for subscription to all mailing lists. In addition, may I suggest contacting don chancey's ISP and complaining to them? (We will certainly be doing so.) As a point of clarification, no one in this office knows anyone by the name of don chancey. Rest assured that we do not condone this behavior in any way, shape, or form. Thank you for your attention and understanding. /pg -- Peter Green Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin pcg@gospelcom.net =========================================== The following is the message I sent to Don's ISP. My guess is that they turned up the heat under Don a little bit. =========================================== to whom it may concern a customer of your service, dallas.net, by the name of don chancey (dchancey@dallas.net) subscribed my email address to a listserv at gospelnet.com without my specific request or permission. as this act amounts to sending unsolicited electronic mail, and as it amounts to sending mail whose purpose is to harrass (don has expressed extreme differences in opinion with me in messages he has sent me previously), and whose ultimate origin (don chancey) is obscured, such an act is prohibited by chapter 19.190 of the Revised Code of Washington (the state where i am currently resident, as can be demonstrated by searching for my address at registry.waisp.org). to avoid potential legal procedings for this violation, please take whatever steps necessary to prevent this user from abusing your services in this way in the future. thank you. Rev Guido S. DeLuxe -- We should build an Intel processor out of penguins. =========================================== Here's the nice response Don't ISP sent back to him. I found it somewhat amusing and probably a lot more effective than I could have asked for. =========================================== Mr. Chancey, It has been brought to my attention that a user in the state of Washington (address suppressed to prevent harvesting) is a recipient of unsolicited e-mails that may have derived from your access with us. We would like to take this time to inform you that any action that results in unsolicited e-mails to another Internet user is a violation of our acceptable use policy and can result in a termination of service. If this is a case of mistaken identity, I take this opportunity to apologize now. It is my job to cease all UCE before the issue becomes a problem with law enforcement officials. If you have done this in the past, we ask that those actions are not repeated in the future. If you are not the person responsible for these actions, please disregard this notice. We thank you for your time, cooperation and support on this issue. Lance Crosby lcrosby@catalog.com 1.888.932.4376 ext. 112 ============================ Technical Support Manager Catalog.Com Virtual Web Hosting Ethos/Dallas Internet 1.888.web.hero 972.881.9595 http//www.catalog.com http//www.dallas.net http//www.plano.net http//www.ethos.net http//www.oklahoma.net http//www.enotify.com http//www.webhero.com Hours M-F 900 to 900 ============================ =========================================== That is the end of the story of Chancey Don. You can now choose to go back from whence you came, or you can go to the main menu, or you can do nothing. ![]()