Rev. DeLuxe started the Sacrifice, as usual, by tossing the Official Church Pumpkin. This year's pumpkin was an odd, warty pumpkin with an unusually smooth, bright orange skin. Although he aimed for the large rock next to the trail below the bridge, he threw the pumpkin just a little too hard and overshot the mark. The pumpkin landed in a thicket of brush and bushes just north of the rock, and, although it splattered nicely, the entrails were practically impossible to see until we actually got up close.
Satch Molinsk went next, and his pumpkin splattered the best of any that were thrown from the bridge. The entrails from Satch's pumpkin were clearly visible from the bridge, on the trail and in the undergrowth surrounding the trail on both sides. Unfortunately, because of the new railing, taking pictures of the resulting splatter from the bridge was practically impossible. Hopefully, the next time, we'll have someone tall enough that they can lean over the railings more effectively. George Revolgurd then sacrificed the one pumpkin that the three of them brought with them (Lamers! shoulda brought more pumpkins!!). After a great deal of deliberation in overcoming his intense fear of heights, George threw his pumpkin with aplomb, and a loud invocation to Tina. Their pumpkin disappeared into the undergrowth to the side of the trail and was completely lost from view. We didn't discover until later what a miraculous thing had happened. With all the pumpkins sacrificed, we quickly gathered our remaining belongings and headed down below the bridge to examine the sacred entrails for their prophetic messages. ![]() |